BUTTER - Bailey Universal Translator for Tag Element Referencing

This utility is included with the GrITS for ProcessBook plugin for Bailey OIS SODG Displays. BUTTER will create a PI-Bailey Tag Map file for use in mapping PI tags to Bailey Display Elements while converting the Bailey display files. The utility will require a TTG file, DBF or MDB file with the Bailey Tag configuration data. This data will be compared with PI Tag configuration data to determine which PI Tags map to which Bailey Tag Indexes. Any PI Tags that were configured for the PI SemAPI Interface may have been built to retrieve data for specific extended attributes from certain Bailey Tags. These will be properly denoted in the Tag Map file to allow for conversion of many specific Bailey Display Commands (e.g. Red Tag Status, Set Permissive Indicator, etc.)

The Tag Map file is the key to a proper conversion of Bailey displays to ProcessBook displays. It can be hand-generated or edited, but it is best to let the tool build the file. BUTTER will also extract the Customer Tag Identifier from the Bailey Tag Configuration database so the PlugIn can convert the "ec 36" (customer identifier) display command into a ProcessBook Text symbol.

The reason for the Tag Map file is based on the Tag configuration design of the PI interfaces to Bailey (Infi90 and SemAPI). PI Tags do not have any references to the Bailey Tag Index, which is what the Bailey OIS SODG Graphics uses to reference Bailey Tags. So a look-up list has to be built to relate PI Tags to Bailey Tag Indexes.

Any Bailey Tag Indexes and extended attributes that are not specifically listed inthe Tag Map file when GrITS for ProcessBook is run will map to the Default PI Tag provided by the user in the GrITS for ProcessBook GUI.

If more PI tags are added to account for these missing tag references, simply rebuild the tag map file by executing BUTTER again.

There is a separate companion product that we offer called BaCon - Bailey Configuration Utilty for PI. This Excel Addin will parse the Bailey Tag Configuration database (TTG, DBF or MDB) and offer options to create PI Tag for any selected Bailey Point Types and Extended Attributes. Due to the overwhelming number of PI Tags that could potentially be created by such a tool, BaCon builds a PI-SMT ready spreadsheet from the selected options and allows the user to choose which tags to export to PI. READ MORE