Our Staff

The TeamWe are a PI Value-added software development firm specializing in DCS and SCADA Graphics conversion utilities for PI ProcessBook and RTPortal. We also provide PI Integration Services and Custom Software Development Services for the Process Industries. The mission of our business is to deliver PI-related software and services that specifically answer the needs of the Process Industries.

OSIsoft, Inc., the developer of the PI Process Data Historian Software, is the dominant player in the Process Data Historian market. Their customers require certified installation, training, and upgrade services from OSIsoft and their partners. We are an OSIsoft Certified PI Installation Engineering firm.

We have determined the need for a set of software tools to assist OSIsoft customers in drawing Graphic images of their plant processes in PI ProcessBook, a client product from OSIsoft. PI ProcessBook enables users to view historical data in trend displays and custom-drawn graphics. One of the challenges for OSIsoft customers is the effort that is required to build these custom graphic images in PI ProcessBook and to link the graphics to the stored historical data in the PI database. We have developed a suite of software tools to automate the graphics creation process for OSIsoft customers.

We provide PI Engineering Services as a direct Integrator or as an OSI Representative. We are an OSI Certified Provider for:

  • PI Installation and Tuning

  • PI System Administration and PI Client Training

  • PI 2 to PI 3 Migrations

  • Custom software applications for PI and PI ProcessBook

  • DSS has its roots in the Pulp & Paper Industry but is also an active Integrator in the Power & Utility, Mining & Metals and Chemical Industries.